Writing that kicks your ass

Sunday, December 14, 2014

"Tiny Winged Things"

Hey, all!

I've emailed you "Tiny Winged Things,"
a short story that started as a fun flash-fiction exercise*. The narrator is female--something I haven't done much. 

I think what would help me out might be your imaginings in response to those three "go to" workshop questions: What do you know? What do you think you know? What do you want to know?

*That flash-fiction exercise is a fun one to do on your own--or to have a group you're teaching/leading do. 

Here's the exercise: Write a 26-sentence story in which the first sentence starts with the letter "a," the second sentence starts with "b," and so on. You're allowed two sentence fragments.

I actually went in reverse--starting with "z"--and then totally shattered the other rules, so my story's a lot more than 26 lines. But it was fun!

Thank you all for reading, and happy holidays to all of you and your families! Thank you for another great year of WriteFu!!!