Writing that kicks your ass

Monday, July 21, 2014

Re-imagining HOODIE

Hi everyone,

Attached is a section from my YA novel HOODIE. I rewrote HOODIE--which was my creative thesis--and my agent submitted it. An editor has expressed interest but wants to see the story be bigger, perhaps with the character of Mr. Vanders becoming the true antagonist.

So, I'm going to rewrite HOODIE by making this the plot: Nate (the main character) forms a plan with his ex-best friend, Eric Vanders, to murder Mr. Vanders, Eric's abusive father. Nate's prime motivation will be revenge for his friend, but he also wants revenge for Mr. Vanders ruining his chances at going to college (Nate, as you'll see, has a passion for making comics, and he's found a school that will let him do that in his major).

This new "take" will result in a much darker story than the story you'll glimpse in the section I've attached. This dark "re-imagining" of the story will be major and tough, but I'm going to swing for the fence. 

Here are the 2 things I'd like the help of your brilliance with:

1) How will darkening the story in the way I've described alter elements of the story--particularly characters and their relationships. How, for example, might Nate's relationship with Craig, his current best friend, change? I imagine Nate will get secretive, but what else might happen? I guess I'm open to whatever possibilities you brainstorm.

2) Please give me a homework assignment. Seriously. Something you really think that would help me write this story. 

Thank you very much, brilliant writers of WriteFu!