Writing that kicks your ass

Sunday, December 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

December's got me all reflective. My resolution last year was to finish drafts--and I finished two drafts--one of The Ghoul and one of Clutch! So I'm content with what I've done this year!

I also found that if I'm working on a kind of story that needs quite a bit of planning and research, as The Ghoul does, that I shouldn't worry about taking the time to absorb myself in the planning and the research.

My resolutions for 2013, not necessarily in this order: 1) Rewrite Clutch and send it off; and 2) Rewrite The Ghoul.

Also, because 2012's not quite over, my resolution for December: Finish researching for The Ghoul.

Time is on our side!

Your resolutions?

New Schedule

Here's the new schedule taking us into the new year:

    • December 16th: Bill
    • January 6th: Andy
    • January 27th: Riley
    • February 17th: Alan

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Stayed up late some nights to get this out. Where do we get time to write? Sorry it's a bit late. Also sorry it's 23 pages. Feel free to stop at 20. It starts off where it ended last time with Glade being rescued by a man who he calls Dad. I'll email the piece.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New and Untitled

Yo fellas,

In all honestly, I forgot (until Wednesday) that I was up next.  And I’ve been working feverishly on a second draft of Dark is the Night (although my progress thus far would not seem to indicate said feverish pace). 

But I really wanted to submit something. And I wanted to submit something totally new.  So I took a break from Dark and spent my shift at the library today working on this piece.  It’s four fresh (raw) pages from an idea I’ve been kicking around for a while (and have probably even mentioned to some of you—Andy, I think, for sure).  I’ll give no introduction (because it’s the very beginning—and you know as much as I do!).  Just let me know what you think, what you want to know, what you expect might happen, what you hope will happen, or whatever else comes to mind as you’re reading.

Thanks in advance for your always awesome and appreciated feedback!


Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hello fellows,

I've sent out a section from my new draft of Clutch.

Looking forward to your brilliant feedback!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Colson Whitehead "How to Write"

Read This.

I have sent my latest.  It will be the shortest submission to date. I plead everything at work has gotten in the way as well as the fact that I have revised this piece a lot. I want to know what you think of the premise.

It is based partly on an actual event in North Dakota.

I have no outline, no middle, no end, just an idea. No more clues. Let me know what your think.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Schedule

Hey guys,

Here's the new schedule (I followed the same sequence as last cycle):

July 29th: Bill
August 19: Andy
September 9: Riley
September 30: Alan

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Michael Kimmel's GUYLAND

I thought y'all might be interested in Michael Kimmel's book Guyland, an exploration of the pressures today's young men (16-26) experience on their way to becoming adults.

While I don't agree point for point with his portrayal of things, his big ideas are good ones, and he takes compelling looks into things such as hazing.

Here's a link to it on Amazon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Water Skiing Genesis

Hey fellas, if you're looking for some light (and short) reading material, check out the short story I just wrote. You can find it through my blog

I'm obviously not looking for a critique. I just hope someone out there to actually read it!!! :)

Hope you guys are having a great summer so far!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sorry this is late. I wrote this over the last few days so I’m sure it could use quite a bit of everything. I’m mostly interested in what concepts are working and what areas detract from the story. Also, is there is a story here compelling enough to continue. The email is coming.



Saturday, May 26, 2012

An article: "You are what you read"

Hey all,

I just wanted to share this article with you guys. It's about the power of fiction to transform a reader--to psychologically transform the reader.

It's something amazing and meaningful we do!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Report on Latest Publisher Rejection

I got a rejection from Harper Collins for the first Tramp book, but with a long

analysis of why. I asked if she would read the revision and, to my surprise, she

said yes. So, I am revising with less telling, more showing, cutting the actual

talking between animals and humans, making it clear that animals talk to humans by "showing" them what

they feel, think and want. I keep animal to animal talking.

I went direct to the publisher, sans agent. I suggest that we share editor names since

thaey are very difficult to contact without an agent that sits on their doorstep.

Any thoughts on this?

Rest (yep, again)

Hi all,

I went back and forth about what to submit this round.  I'm trying to charge right on through Dark is the Night right now. I really want to get a full draft done. And I think if I submit from that, I'd immediately want to go back and revise in line with all of your awesome suggestions and comments. But I'm trying not to "look back" until I get this draft done.

So instead, I've submitted another revision of Rest.  For some of you, it will be the third draft you've read of this story. You might be getting tired of it by now. So if you'd rather not read it again and comment, I understand.  But there are some fairly significant changes since the last draft (especially the ending).  So if you do read it, that's what I'd like you to focus on. Let me know how you feel it all comes together (or if it DOESN'T come together :)).  I'd really like to have success in submitting this somewhere. To previous attempts have come up short.

Thanks, fellas!

Write on!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

THE GHOUL, part two

Hi everyone,

I've emailed you the second installment of The Ghoul, my science fiction/detective novel.

As usual, please give me any feedback about what's working, what's not, and how the story could work better.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Book Two: The Detective

The second book is started. It will be coming shortly. I am grateful for deadlines.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Hero of Dewlily - Chapter One

I'm sending you one chapter (seven pages) of a new story, and would love your reaction.  However, seeing as how I've failed to post this even remotely on time, no one should feel compelled to provide feedback now.  Just in the event that you have time to spare before Bill's next posting.  If anything, it will be good reference for whatever I post the next time after that!

New Schedule

April 1 - Bill
April 22 – Andy
May 13 -Riley
June 3 – Alan
June 24 – David

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dark is the Night

Hi fellas,

Sorry this is late, short, and rough. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to submit anything this week. It’s been a crazy couple of months. Anders has been sick like five times in the past seven weeks—not to mention he’s stepped firmly into the “terrible twos.” Plus there was all of the holiday chaos. Oh yeah, and we’re moving to a new apartment Wednesday. Yes, this Wednesday. In three days, Wednesday!

So I haven’t written much of anything in two months. But enough with the excuses.

I value Write Fu. And I feel accountable to you guys. So I drafted a chapter of Dark is the Night last night. Take it easy on me. More is crammed into these pages than I’d prefer, but I wrote it as an exercise in fleshing out these characters and their relationship. And I might be starting to scratch at the story's theme.

I’m open to any and all comments. If you need any reminders about story elements, just let me know. But I’m pretty certain this story will be non-linear in its telling. So if you’re a little lost in the “plot,” that’s probably okay. I’m more concerned about clarity of character and emotion right now. Does the story feel authentic? Fresh? Do you want to follow Simon down the “road” he’s traveling?

Thanks, guys! Write on!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Writing Resolution

Hey guys,

I was reflecting on the writing I did in 2011, and I realized I hadn't finished a draft of the novels I'd been working on. A fella has to finish drafts if he's going to nurture a novel to the point where it's ready to send out, so here's my New Year's Writing Resolution:

Finish drafts of the stories I start, beginning with the novel I'm working on now.


Hope I'll be telling you guys in the coming months that I finished a draft of The Ghoul!

The Ghoul

Hey everybody,

I've sent y'all the first chapter-and-a-half of what I've been working on the past few months--a YA sci-fi detective novel currently titled The Ghoul.

Conjuring this imagined futuristic world has been a challenge and a blast--please look for any opportunities for me to dream the world and the characters more richly.

So glad to have such keen readers reading my work!

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