Writing that kicks your ass

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dark is the Night

Hi all,

Sorry this is so damn late. I am a bad person.

What you have now is the first four chapters of a YA novel I'm working on. Dave, you've read most (not all) of this already, but I think it's new to everyone else.

Some questions (similar to Andy's):

1. What's working? Not?

2. How's the characterization?

3. Is the protagonist sympathetic?

4. Given what’s here (especially in chapter one), what are your expectations? Where do you see the story going? What contract do you expect to be fulfilled?


Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Dog and His Boy

I have emailed the pages to the team.
New Title: The Dog and His Boy.

Less telling, more showing.

Bobby Sigley is not an evil cat killer, now he is a.....

Let me know what you think of the pacing, the characters, the direction you see the story going.