Writing that kicks your ass

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thanks for the REDUCTION critique--I've received a tremendous amount of insight from the comments. Most helpful were questions about Agnes, which steered me to research cults and cult leaders. Also thanks for making me think about the possibilities of male...uh...dangly-thing reductions.

I've run out of the obvious body parts to reduce: ears, nose, hands, feet, etc. Anyone have other cool ideas?



  1. Bone reductions. There are 206 bones in the human body. How creepy would it be to see someone walking around missing bones, but with the skin and or organs still attached? Eyes are always good. Tongue. Skin, too. Like a reverse skin graft. Imagine someone with half a face walking down the street. Teeth reductions. Muscle reductions. The sky is the limit.

    Oh, and this story does remind me slightly of Freaks. Might be worth a watch sometime for fun! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freaks

  2. Any kind of skull reduction would be freak-eee.

  3. Andy: I've got a group of "police" type characters, named The Fury, who have a portion of their skulls lopped off.

  4. Well, if they come after you, I guess you know where to fight back. XD
