Writing that kicks your ass

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Out of the Loop...

Gentlemen, so sorry I have been away.  I have not been writing fiction this past year, mostly non-fiction.  I have an article out this month in VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) Magazine (August 2011), "Blume, Burgess, and Beyond: Sexuality and the Young Adult Novel," with my wife Nicholle (pg 16-18 in the digital version).

I have taught classes this past summer on writing (journal and biographical sketches mostly) and am really trying to get back on the horse.  I am teaching adjunct as a second job for Colorado Tech, the pay is STUPID good, but it is online and time consuming.

Cheryl Bardoe stopped by this summer for a great evening of friendship and stories, and I truly miss the Hamline crew.  I am anticipating on going to the Alumni weekend Summer 2012, and I will be there for graduation, too. I will also probably be presenting at the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) National Conference in Las Vegas, November 2012 (wink-wink, bro-cation anyone?)

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line on Write Fu and let everyone know that I am "okay" :) and trying to get back into writing mode.  I have been writing again for the last few days, and it is fun, but time consuming. I wish I had a couple more hours in each day! Where are those magical time-stopping-clocks? 

Keep writing my friends! Heeeeeiiiiii-YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well, Jason! Congrats! And keep us posted on the conference in Vegas ;-).
