Writing that kicks your ass

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The name of whoever's work is up for comment goes here

This is where the text of the writing sample can go. Any guiding questions that the person wants should preface the sample. If the person prefers to email the writing sample separately to the group, then they can just put the guiding questions here.

An example of the guiding preface could be:

"This is a rough draft of the first 20 pages of my ya novel. I'd just like a basic, workshop style read of this. What is working and what isn't? What is pulling you out of the story? What is making you keep reading? I feel particularly stuck with my characterization. Any thoughts on making my character less flat would be helpful. I'm not really sure what he wants."


  1. After reading the work, comments directed around the author's guiding preface will be placed here. I don't think any of us need to be told what is a helpful comment and what is not. The author can feel free to respond if they need the commentor to explain something more specifically, or what not.

  2. Sounds good, hopefully this works out! (also, testing the comment feature, as I haven't used Blogger before)

  3. Dave,

    How many writer's? My experience is that more than 7-8 gets a little unwieldy.


  4. I think if the submission pages were less (like 10 instead of 20) then more people would be okay. But I am very flexible...
