Writing that kicks your ass

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New and Untitled

Yo fellas,

In all honestly, I forgot (until Wednesday) that I was up next.  And I’ve been working feverishly on a second draft of Dark is the Night (although my progress thus far would not seem to indicate said feverish pace). 

But I really wanted to submit something. And I wanted to submit something totally new.  So I took a break from Dark and spent my shift at the library today working on this piece.  It’s four fresh (raw) pages from an idea I’ve been kicking around for a while (and have probably even mentioned to some of you—Andy, I think, for sure).  I’ll give no introduction (because it’s the very beginning—and you know as much as I do!).  Just let me know what you think, what you want to know, what you expect might happen, what you hope will happen, or whatever else comes to mind as you’re reading.

Thanks in advance for your always awesome and appreciated feedback!
